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  • Feeling Bloated After the Holidays? Let’s Get Things Moving!

    Feeling Bloated After the Holidays? Let’s Get Things Moving!


    After the Christmas festivities, many of you may feel sluggish, bloated, and out of sync. While the holidays are a time for indulgence and celebration, the combination of rich foods, excess alcohol, and reduced activity can really upset your digestion. Post-Christmas constipation is not uncommon, but with the right strategies, you can quickly restore balance and comfort.

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  • How to Avoid the Flu

    How to Avoid the Flu


    With flu cases rising across the UK and Europe and hospitals experiencing increasing strain, staying healthy is more important than ever. Flu season—already challenging—is exacerbated by colder temperatures, less sunlight, and the pressures of modern life that weaken immune defenses. At this time of year the likelihood of catching the flu increases significantly and surprisingly this is not because there are more bugs around but because we spend more time inside so viruses are much more...

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  • The Best Protein Powder for Weight Management– A Complete Guide

    The Best Protein Powder for Weight Management– A Complete Guide


    The winter season sees us naturally leaning towards hearty, starchy comfort foods with very little in the way of protein or veggies. But with the start of a brand-new year, there’s no better time to supercharge your approach to nutrition with a little help from protein powder. You don’t have to be pumping iron at the gym or engaging in extreme fitness regimes to gain noticeable benefits, protein powder can help you reach your goals without too much effort.  It's versatile, convenient to use...

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  • Chocolate, banana & tahini soft whip ice cream

    Chocolate, banana & tahini soft whip ice cream


    Protein powders are easily stirred into smoothies, casseroles and soups, baked into brownies, or added to hot comforting drinks. The list is endless but here’s one fun and delicious way to use your protein powder:

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  • Countdown to Christmas – Five Top Tips to Get in Shape

    Countdown to Christmas – Five Top Tips to Get in Shape


    Christmas is coming, along with that niggling feeling that you’ll gain more than just a few Christmas gifts. The fun-loving half of your brain can’t wait for the parties, the indulgent food and the time off, but the other half is already calculating the extra pounds you’ll have to battle with in January. By making some smart choices before the festivities begin, you can fit into all those dazzling Christmas outfits and still have room to indulge without causing too much damage for the coming...

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  • How Many Sprays of Neutrient D3&K2 Can I Give My Child?

    How Many Sprays of Neutrient D3&K2 Can I Give My Child?


    Children can be notoriously picky eaters, often leaving gaps in their diets that are essential for healthy growth and development. Ensuring they get enough key nutrients, like vitamin D, can feel like a constant struggle. That's where Neutrient D3&K2 comes in, it helps take the stress out of mealtimes by providing the reassurance that your child is getting the support they need for strong bones and overall well-being. Getting the dosage right is a natural concern, so we’re here to help....

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  • Fueling Men’s Health with B Vitamins with Phil Roberton

    Fueling Men’s Health with B Vitamins with Phil Roberton


    In a fast-paced world, men’s health—both physical and mental—often falls to the wayside. Nutrition, particularly adequate intake of essential vitamins, plays a critical role in maintaining resilience, energy, and well-being. Although many nutrients contribute to overall health, B vitamins are especially important for men’s active lifestyles and mental clarity. While most people obtain B vitamins from food, research reveals that over four billion people globally still fall short due to...

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  • Three Embarrassing Menopausal Symptoms Women Don’t Talk About

    Three Embarrassing Menopausal Symptoms Women Don’t Talk About


    If you’ve reached the age of 51 - the average age for menopause, you may already be experiencing a variety of symptoms. From perimenopause through to menopause, as many as 80% of women will suffer one or more of the hallmarks of this transitional period.1 The range of symptoms can be quite surprising and includes hot flushes, night sweats, joint pain, loss of skin tone, bloating, urinary issues, weight gain, hair loss, anxiety, irritability, mood swings, sleep disturbances, depression, and...

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  • Alpha Lipoic Acid – An Unexpected Weight Loss Ally

    Alpha Lipoic Acid – An Unexpected Weight Loss Ally


    When you’re trying to shed pounds, you need all the help you can get, but it takes a multi-pronged approach that includes not just eating less and exercising more, but incorporating specific foods that can ensure your body's metabolism is running on all cylinders. Tapping into the benefits of alpha-lipoic acid could change everything, but how does it support fat loss?

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  • Hair Rescue Plan for Menopausal Women

    Hair Rescue Plan for Menopausal Women


    Just when you think you’ve got your head around the joys of menopause, hair loss comes along and adds to the endless list of depressing symptoms that make you feel like you’ll never be the same again. Managing hot flushes, night sweats, and mood swings is challenging enough without the added concern of hair loss. Although not all women experience hair loss at menopause, around 50% of postmenopausal women in their 50s do notice reduced hair growth and density.1 Despite this, changes in hair...

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  • Skin Brightening Study - Altrient Liposomal Glutathione Seizes the Spotlight!

    Skin Brightening Study - Altrient Liposomal Glutathione Seizes the Spotlight!


    A new independent study by Princeton Consumer Research reveals that Altrient Liposomal Glutathione can dramatically improve skin tone, reduce redness, and lighten dark spots. The study included 33 women aged 20-50 with uneven skin tone and pigmentation issues, who took 2 sachets of Altrient Glutathione daily.

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Showing 1 to 12 of 260 (22 Pages)

